

Read the latest posts from daxayoni.blog.

from wreeviews


contains spoilers

When it comes to comic book movies, DC had the edge long before Marvel came into the scene, and that status is continuing.

You liked Flash? You should go back and watch Flashpoint Paradox (2013). Yes a movie released ten years prior is still the best Flash representation on screen.

By the time Marvel gets to the point of resetting their universe to keep milking more money, DC comic movie universes will reset multiple times. TBH Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020) did reset the animated universe that started with Justice League War (2014). We are venturing into the modern territory of the comic books with New 52. They are calling it Tomorrowverse (lmao okay), and they started it with Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020).

I mean the movie has not much to talk about tbh, it is an american animated movie. They have been using the same template since the nineties. But there is a very nice feeling I get by seeing the same art. It is soothing.

It introduces a new villain called Mongul(seems racists but okay) from the planet Warworld. He kidnaps Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and the green Martian to run a simulation programme a la Monsters inc to power his planet as it runs on fear. And he uses Martian’s mind to trap the superheroes into weird timelines and scenarios. Wonder Woman becomes a gunslinger in the wild west goldrush era. Batman becomes a mercenary right out of a medieval RPG. And Superman is a CIA agent during cold war era.

What happens is, they jump around different timelines and eventually figures things out and kicks ass. I mean, it is a superhero movie. There is not much heroes’ journey, whatever happens, happens outside the eyes of the audience as well.

It was actually fun seeing them forget about their power and try to figure stuff out. Once they did though, The fight was extremely one sided. Hence the ending of the story gets boring. Everything till then was just very fun to watch. Owing to that, the movie doesn’t really have a nice climax, and with all the build up, it was a disappointment to see no return for that build up.

However, Jensen Ackles is always fun. He voices Batman, and I have been a fan since Supernatural. I really think he is well suited to be Batman. This version of Batman was much nicer to have as well.

I like trashy animated movies, and this movie was fun. So what it didn’t deliver on the climax? Rest of it was fun.


from artes

Everything will be alright.

Not a day goes by, when I don't feel alien in this skin that is supposed to be mine. This skin doesn't belong in places set by those in power. This skin has to prove its purpose and capabilities to simply exist. The moment you acknowledge it, you condemn yourself to a life of tyranny and suffering.

Everything will be alright.

Your identity becomes such a pretense, you cannot realise where it started, you cannot understand what is real. Questioning becomes so frequent you question your entire existence when you breathe freely for a single second. How can you live with someone else, when you can't live with yourself? Were you ever meant to belong anywhere?

Everything will be alright.

I have heard myself asking “am I temporary to everyone; permanent to myself or permanent to everyone; temporary to myself” Motionless, you feel the rot curling up on your skin, desperate to break free. The world is moving so fucking fast, people are changing so goddamn fast, things are exchanging so terribly fast “there's not enough time, or I'm just wasting my time”, you shout into winds, that will lead where you want to go.

Everything will be alright.

You may not consider yourself to be very good or directionless in your pursuit, but its okay, youre still learning. Trained to be a hardened old soul, your heart is still a cherubin, untouched, and it dares to dream. You are seen, you are loved. Yes, they hurl abuses of confusion and faux disgust, but they never could see the beauty you were able to see in yourself. You've got the whole world in your pocket, child.

Everything will be alright.


from Daxayoni’s Journal

First of all, what do you mean by community blog?

A blog which is community owned and operated. Non-Profit. Exists purely for the sake of providing a safe space to write for the community.

What Community?

The Queer community. Focusing on the trans experience of their world.

How do you know who is queer?

We don’t. That’s why we will always stay invite based. We invited queer people we know. Next onwards, users get to decide who you let in. You will be inviting people in. We trust your judgement.

Do the members need to maintain a tone or something?

Nope. Unless you put in your legal name, who will know it is you? Use that anonymity wisely. Maybe make seventeen blogs for all seventeen of your personalities with different languages, dialects, and word associations. The sky is the limit. I always wanted to start a mysterious blog where I’ll talk only in binaries and morse code. Maybe I’ll do that now once I’m free.

What is your vision for the blog?

None. The community members get to decide that. We are a facilitator. We had the knowhow, so we did it. You are the writer, dream up a vision and make other writers agree with you.

What about hosting costs?

It’s currently about INR 3500 to host all services minus the human labour cost. We are on a 2 CPU + 2 GB RAM system. with 60 gb of storage. We have 1000 GB Bandwidth for data. We host on digital ocean, and we pay for extra protection. The cost is expected to go up when we need more storage. We also intend to host a image sharing service later if there is a demand. That will drive up the cost as well.

How will you pay for it?

So far we are paying for it out of our pockets. But we have some ideas. We are also publishing books, and profits from that will be diverted to maintain the blog. We also intend to sell merchandise to recoup some of the costs as well. And beyond that we will open up subscriptions and donations. We are setting up another website which would be https://daxayoni.com to collect funds if people want to pay a small amount each month. However, https://daxayoni.com/ will never post any article from https://daxayoni.blog. The other website exists to aggregate all our official publications.

How about the writers?

Glad you asked. All the blogs have web monetisations enabled. Web monetisation ensures everytime someone visits your blog you get paid a little amount of money. it’s on it’s early days so not a lot of users, but this is being proposed as being a web standard. Once that happens, you can get paid without ads. You can be an early adopter with us to ensure your own right to get paid for your honest work. We are also not google searchable or trackable, we also have no trackers beyond as stated in the privacy policy. We also can’t see anything about a user except their username, the physical space their content is consuming, and their public blogs. That’s it.

That’s it?

That’s it. if you wanna know more you can always reach out to us. suggest us an ideal email for support in our Instagram post. Or just dm us there.


from Guidelines

Members can invite their friends to be a part of the blog.

We intend to build this space as a safe space for expression. This is a platform built for personal privacy as well. Thus we can’t gatekeep by sending a form or asking personal details. Hence, Invitation will be handled by community members. We can’t allow free registrations as queer online spaces are often targeted by capitalist means of subjugation.

To invite a new user,

  1. Log in to your blog. You can invite only after being logged in.

  2. Click the page looking icon on the top right hand side of the page to go to your personal page. From where you can create new blogs or add posts, or pin posts.

  3. In top right hand side again your name should be visible with a down arrow beside it. Click on that.

  4. The fourth menu option should be Invite People. Click on that.

  5. In the next page, you’ll have an option saying: “Maximum Number of Uses:”

  6. Click the box below/next to it and select a value between 1 to 100 uses.

  7. There should also be another option saying: “Expire After:”

  8. Click the box below/next to it and select a value between 30 minutes to 1 week.

  9. Now click on Generate.

All done, you’re now with a nice invite link. now forward it to the people you want to see here.



from artes

It's one of those dumb August nights again Not a wind in the sky, and the power's out I thought about you again today It isnt something you do. Is your memory of mine just a wisp of smoke? Sweet as the honey I taste, but overshadowed nonetheless? I am your cigarette butt You kiss me like your life depends on it Every breath Every kiss is one It delights you, it refreshes you As i burn Burn bright at your lips But when i can burn no more You throw my ashes away I truly am your spectator in the lowlights I know you love me, whatever that confounded idea of love you have in your mind I hate you for making me love you so deeply. I hate you for leaving me here with these people who won't let me sleep any more. If I could just close my eyes the world would disappear and I could stop hurting. I want to sleep. Make those people down stairs leave me alone and let me sleep. They gave me drugs to sleep once when I first knew, and in disbelief called them liars. They gave me more drugs to keep me calm and awake as I faced your body And saw it engulfed by flames and ashes spilled from fingers to the winds on this mountain we both once called home, in more innocent times.

There are no drugs now to numb the pain Sleep which beckons me deeper into oblivion has been withdrawn by constant company and chatter that goes on around me. I do not truly hear it, or understand it as I sit and stare at the macabre forced smiles. Their smiles and consoling words, like blades some blades are funny some cause history And history is every second in time. but the others, they have this tendency they lurk in the shadows a phantom of a shadow you don't know if you have them or if you need them or that it is a part of you. Where are you I wonder, will you still come for me? I would go happily just now, Even though the vital and living hands of so many try to hold me to this place, I would fly to you my love just to feel your embrace. I have read too much poetry of late. Perhaps I should share with you... Maybe you would find me there Just like we used to.


from Guidelines

Heading 1 will always be counted as the title.

That being said, use the syntax mentioned below as the first sentence of a new post:

# Title of your post goes here

your body or other headings go here... 

The title of this post uses the following syntax:

# How to add **Titles** to your posts

Remember that it has to be the first sentence of the blog to be counted as the Title of the post.

If you want to know more about how to format your posts, you can read our markdown formatting guidelines by clicking this link here.


from MariyamSaigal

by Mariyam Saigal

Convince me with a song To long for what you want me to long Sell me myself Everybody take your pound of flesh

Convince me with a song To hope for what you want me to hope for Buy me my time Everybody go ahead and dine

Convince me with a song To wait for what you want me to wait for Love me more than myself Nobody waits this long for help


from MariyamSaigal

by Mariyam Saigal

feels like crossing paths with a troll under the shade of a post that generalizes my gender's position in the world as nothing but a tool You say the main purpose of a woman's life is to have children and wish you were aborted You'd rather give benefit of doubt to Andrew Tate than to all the women he hurt You'd rather believe Eve was “made” for Adam than believe they are one being seperated by loneliness

When the padestel we built for people isn't strong enough to hold their humanity and they fall We must not strangle them with the garland of fantasy, frame them, hang them with the accusation of not being “woman enough”


from artes

Protyaborton; A tale of change, transition, reclamation and homecoming

তোমার নামে আমার যত উল্লাস তোমার নামে আমার হাথেখরি তোমার নামে আমার গালাগাল দেওয়া তোমার নামে আমার চিৎকার করে হুংকার দেওয়া তোমার নামে আমার মা এর কাছে কান্না তোমার নামে আমার ভয় পাওয়া বেদনা |

তোমার নামে আমার জন্ম তোমার নামে আমার মৃত্যু আমার ভালবাসা, আমার উচ্ছনে যাওয়া স্মৃতি আমার পড়ে যাওয়া, আমার উঠে দাড়ানো আমার বাড়ি তোমার কাছে, আমার বাড়ি তোমার নামে আমার ফেরত হওয়া তুমি |

তুমি হলে আমার কাঠগড়ায় দাড়ানো তুমি আমার না ঝুঁকে দাড়ানো তুমি আমার রক্তাক্ত শরীরের মিথ্যে তুমি আমার প্রেমের আদরের কাহিনী তুমি আমার বুকের পাথর তুমি আমার জলসার ছবি।

তুমি মাইকেল এর মধুসূদন হয়ে বাড়ি ফেরত তুমি সত্যজিৎ এর চা এর কাপ তুমি টেরেসার নীল শাড়ি তুমি দীঘার সমুদ্রের ভীড় তুমি কবির প্রথম প্রেম

তুমি তো মা, তুমি আমার ট্রান্সিশন তুমি আমার রক্ষাকবচ তুমি আমার তলোয়ার তুমি আমার লাল আকাশের নিচে ছুটে বেড়ানোর লাইসেন্স, তুমি আমার লাল রক্তের ভাষা।

তুমি আমার রক্ত, তুমি আমার কান্নার কবিতা। তুমি আমার বন্ধুর ডাক, তুমি আমার মৃত্যুর গান, তুমি আমার আকাঙ্ক্ষা, তুমি আমার সময়ের ঘড়ি। আমি তোমার কাছেই ফিরি, তুমিই আমার মা।


from Guidelines

Our blog is supposed to be a pure writing experience. We are using writefreely for the exact same reason. However, more often than not, formatting your writing just makes it look beautiful. Writefreely supports markdown. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that was created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz in 2004. Its primary objective is to provide a simple and human-readable syntax to format text without the need for complex HTML or formatting tools. Markdown files can be easily converted to other formats, such as HTML, making it ideal for writing content that will be published online or in various documents. Do you know you can use markdown in the WhatsApp chat, to make text bold, italic, strikethrough, or monospace?

How to use Markdown?

Markdown is human-readable. Which means, you just need to use symbols that we regularly use in our daily digital conversations, but not necessarily while writing ideas. You can use other text editors or note apps before writing on daxayoni to practice. We recommend Obsidian. We can see how it works below:


You can create six variations of headings using the Pound (#) symbol. You need to use it once before the sentence followed by a space. The number of Pounds determine their hierarchy. For example:

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

The above command will render like the following:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


To create bold, italic, or strikethrough text, you need to use three symbols. Asterisks (*), Underscores (_), and Tilde (~). Using a single asterisk or underscore makes the text italics, whereas using double asterisks or underscores makes the text bold. For example:

*This is in Italics*
_This is also in Italics_
**This is in Bold**
__This is also in Bold__
_This is in **Bold** and Italics_

The above will be rendered as:

This is in Italics This is also in Italics This is in Bold This is also in Bold This is in Bold and Italics

To use strikethrough, you need to use two Tildes

~~This is Strikethrough~~

As usual, it will render as: This is Strikethrough

Note that Emphasizing syntax is open ended. If you do not close the emphasising like a bracket, the style will continue.


We have a few options to create different kinds of Lists. For Ordered lists, you can use Numbers followed by a period like so:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 4

For an Unordered list, you can use single Asterisk (*), single Hyphen (–), or a single Plus (+) sign followed by a space to create unordered lists. You can see example below:

  • List number 1
  • List number 2
  • List Number 3

To create a nested list, you use indentation by pressing the tab key in the next line where you need to nest the item. Other syntaxes follow as usual. An example is as follows:

  1. Top Item 1
    1. Nested Item 1
      1. Sub-Nested Item 1
        • Sub-Sub-Nested Item 1
        • Sub-Sub-Nested Item 2
        • Sub-Sub-Nested Item 3
      2. Sub-Nested Item 2
      3. Sub Nested Item 3
    2. Nested Item 2
      • Sub-Nested Item 4
      • Sub-Nested Item 5
  2. Top Item 2
  3. Top Item 3

You can keep them nested as much as you want.

To be honest there are three kinds of links we will be dealing with, and two ways of showcasing them. Any text links can be put as a link as long as they're accompanied with the 'https://'. They will render as clickable links. We encourage this as it shows the complete link, making it transparent.

https://daxayoni.blog is an example.

However if you want to hide the link behind clickable custom text, then the syntax is,

This is a [Custom Link Text](https://daxayoni.blog)

Which will render as:

This is a Custom Link Text

As this is a writing platform, we do not allow Image and Video uploads. However using the link feature currently to keep storage costs down, however, you can embed Images and Videos using the link syntax.

for an image, You need to use the link syntax followed by an Exclamation mark (!). The syntax is as followed:

![Image of a cycle](https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1689085383708-8d62ccea8035)

Which will render as

Image of a cycle

Another example could be:

![Alt Text](https://i.imgur.com/nnmcBLe.jpeg)


The Alt-Text here exists as an accessible feature. In case the images do not load, or a blind person is navigating the website, they have a context of what is being shown.

To use images, you need to upload your images on imgur or imgbb or unsplash or similar photo hosting services that allow you to open your images separately on a new tab. You need to copy the link address to the separate image tab to use the image. Markdown images are rendered directly from the file, so you need to put in the correct address in the link. Otherwise the images will not render. We know this is an issue. We will implement a separate image sharing service in the near future if everything goes okay.

Videos are added as an embed link. You can't really add them as a regular link and it uses html. You can embed any video from YouTube as long as they are public. Here is a video about the Fediverse:

In YouTube you can click on the share button and copy the embed link and just paste it as html code just like the example below.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pX_agVMr2r0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Quotes or most commonly known as blockquotes can be created by using the greater than (>) symbol with followed by a space.

> This is a block quote

This is a block quote

Press Enter twice to get out of the block quote editor. You can also nest quotes within quotes.

Code Blocks

To showcase codes or functions, we use the backtick (`) symbol. To showcase an inline code, we use triple backticks. These are also open ended like the emphatic syntax, so you need to close them. Example is as follows:

` ` ` This is a code block ` ` `

Which will be rendered as follows:

this is a code block

We have been using code blocks to showcase markdown syntaxes this whole time. Except the code block example itself. We nullified the syntax effect by adding a Forward Slash (\) before each of the backticks.


You can create tables by using vertical bars (|) to separate columns and hyphens (–) for the header row. For example:

| Name     | Number | Details  |
| AAAA     | 30  | Poet        |
| BBBBB    | 25  | Designer    |
| CCCCC    | 10  | Writer      |
Name Number Details
AAAA 30 Poet
BBBBB 25 Designer
CCCCC 10 Writer

You can also align the tables with the colons (:) as shown below

| Left Alignment | Center Alignment | Right Alignment |
| AAAA           | 30               | Poet            |
| BBBBB          | 25               | Designer        |
| CCCCC          | 10               | Writer          |
Left Alignment Center Alignment Right Alignment
AAAA 30 Poet
BBBBB 25 Designer
CCCCC 10 Writer


Footnotes let you add additional information or references. To create a footnote, use square brackets with a caret (^) and a unique identifier, then place the content at the bottom of the document using the same identifier inside square brackets. Here's an example:

Here is some text with a footnote[^1].

[^1]: This is the footnote content.

Here is some text with a footnote[^1].

[^1]: This is the footnote content.

You can also add links in the footnotes like below:

Here is a footnote with a link[^1].

[^1]: This is the footnote content with a [link](https://www.daxayoni.com).

Here is a footnote with a link[^1].

[^1]: This is the footnote content with a link.


For regular writing you would not need more than a few syntaxes. The blog is designed for a distraction free writing experience. Formatting follows the same principle. By being able to format text while typing without using any specialized menu will make your writing experience better and minimal. We can't wait to see what literature you will create.