Untitled Poem #2

Hey, you, Yes, you, with long hair, And countless scars on the hand and thighs Stop listening.

Stop listening to the other people. You know, they aren't real, no matter How real they sound. And I know, you can't really “stop” Listening. So please ignore What they ask you to do.

I remember the time, When you would dress up, Put colors in your nail and lips And stand in front of me Appreciating your body. And then, I saw burns Slowly, but steadily Cover your body. And just like that, You stopped visiting me. I waited. And then I saw you In a green robe, with pipes Pumping out poisons that you took.

You said, they asked you, And the doctors gave you heavy Medicines. And it was okay, for a while. You never did dress up pretty again though.

It has been years now. And They are back, the voices. You know, Everytime they say Something, I hear it too. And I want to tell them, How wrong they are. I want to tell them how Worthy you are, how you Make everyone around you happy And how you're not wasting Your parents money. And how jumping off a building Or jumping in front of truck, or from A running train even, isn't the answer.

But, I guess you know that Deep down, that's why You're fighting, to stay alive, To drown in work, to keep busy So that you can ignore them voices. I would suggest you to go visit A doctor. And wouldn't you say, that, Dependency is better than not living at all?