Parts of My Skin

There are parts of my skin that need itching Parts that need to be bitten There are parts that need to be cut And parts that need to be beaten

There are parts of my skin that need to be stitched There are parts that go low Like valleys and mountains and cities within There are parts that glow

There are parts of my skin that are boundless Stretching as far as the ocean untamed There are parts of my skin that are trapped Eternally in a void so endless

There are parts of my skin that have never been touched By someone unknown, but someone trusted There are parts of my skin that have been violated all over Bruised, cursed, blamed and rusted

There are parts of my skin that have never seen the sun There are parts that have never seen the moon Parts that have never felt a breeze But have always longed for them to happen soon

There are parts of my skin I have kissed There are parts I need to be kissed There are parts I need for someone to cherish There are parts I need to be worshiped before they perish

I have parts of my skin that are incomplete And parts that will repay the world's debt tenfold I have parts of my skin that long for promises unbroken And hold the record of a history forever untold.